Christopher. Anderson.

iOS Developer

Creating jailbreak tweaks, mobile apps and fullstack applications

Developing your
iOS App

Creating swiftUI applications for iOS, Jailbreak tweaks, iMessage apps, Discord bots and more...


  • Swift/SwiftUI
  • Objective-C/UIKit
  • IDA Pro/arm64
  • Javascript/NodeJS
  • Python
  • Typescript
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Jailbreak Tweaks

My jailbreak tweaks can be found on and Each tweak aims to improve the user experience on iOS and create a more enjoyable experience for all users.

Discord Bots

All of my discord bots can be found on my github @Chr1sDev. My most popular bot **AnimeBible** can be found on and serves 200,000+ users in 1,000+ servers.

iOS Applications

I am currently developing iOS apps for church note taking, quick song sharing within iMessage and more...

Front/Back-end web development

I am constantly improving my knowledge in this field. I am familiar with Express.JS, Typescript and React.JS to create fullstack applications.

And more!

I am always learning new technologies and languages for my projects.

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